General Terms & Conditions of Business

Ski rental

The General Terms & Conditions of Business (GTC) apply to all commercial transactions between GERBER SPORTS and the customer. The renter bears full responsibility for the rented item. When collecting the rented item, the customer must produce an official form of photo ID (e.g. driving licence, personal identity card, credit cards, etc.) for identification purposes.

The rental item can be collected from 3 pm on the day before rental without additional costs being incurred. The latest time for return of the rented item is 10 am on the following day. Thereafter the customer must pay the full rental price for that day. The rental item can be exchanged for items of an equivalent value at any time during the duration of the contract. Items can be exchanged for items in a higher category, for a supplement.

No refund will be available for early return of the rental items. Refunds will be given only in the event of illness and/or accident, on production of a doctor’s certificate. A standard rental agreement is required for assembly, repair and adjustment of a ski binding. By signing you consent to expert binding adjustment according to the manufacturer’s instructions and accept the rules and the rental terms.

All rental skis have high-quality safety bindings. All ski bindings are tested regularly with an electronic device to check whether the release values match the binding’s scaling. On this basis the settings are adjusted manually to each individual, based on age, sex, weight, height, speed of travel and ability. The settings are not checked with an electronic measuring device. Snowboards, snowblades, carvelinos, cross-country skis and snowshoes do not have a safety binding.

All rental items are insured against breakage and normal wear and tear. In the event of theft or grossly negligent damage, an excess of €400 must be paid for the highest category of equipment, €250 for the middle category and €150 for the lowest category. It is possible to take out additional insurance for a one-off fee of €15 on request. As a result, the excess does not have to be paid if the police are notified in the event of theft and police confirmation of the notification is supplied. The additional insurance only applies to skis and snowboards and must be taken out and paid for in advance.

We will keep the online reservation until close of business on the reservation date. The reservation will no longer be valid after this date.

We kindly request that our customers use the equipment appropriately, thank them for their business and wish them a wonderful holiday. In the interests of honest customers, the police will be informed in the event of any attempt to steal rental equipment from our business.


In order to ensure corrective action, the contracting party must make any complaints immediately to the office in Kühtai. Failure to notify a complaint whilst using our services will remove any entitlement to a reduction in the price. Claims against GERBER SPORTS must be substantiated in writing at the latest 4 weeks after the incident occurred.

Tirolean ski school skiCHECK Kühtai

Tirolean ski school skiCHECK Kühtai is responsible for allocating skiing lesson groups.
No compensation will be paid for lessons cancelled as a result of inclement weather (force majeure). No refunds will be made available if the lifts/cable cars cease to operate for any reason. Days not used will lapse.
Private lessons can be cancelled without incurring a cancellation fee if notice is given by 12 noon at the latest on the preceding day. If the lesson is cancelled later, Tirolean ski school skiCHECK Kühtai is entitled to request payment of the full daily rate as agreed.
Ski passes and equipment are not included in the lesson price.
The customer must provide Tirolean ski school skiCHECK Kühtai with detailed, truthful information regarding his/her skiing ability and experience, and regarding his/her physical ability and, especially, health.
Participants in lessons are not insured against accidents during any of our programmes/events. It is up to the visitor to take out appropriate accident insurance. In accordance with the statutory provisions, in principle the ski school will be liable exclusively for injury or loss that was caused intentionally or by gross negligence, associated directly with the ski school’s activity.

Data privacy

The customer’s privacy is ensured at all times. Customer data supplied is used exclusively for fulfilment of the contract and handled in the strictest confidence according to legal provisions.

Place of performance

The place of performance is GERBER SPORTS’ central place of establishment.


Jurisdiction lies with Imst District Court.

Choice of law

Austrian law applies. The contractual language is German.

Legal validity

Should one of these General Terms & Conditions of Business be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, or that of the legal transaction as a whole. The invalid provision is to be replaced with one that is legal and most closely approaches the economic intent of the ineffective provision.

Amendments, typesetting and printing errors reserved. All prices include VAT.